Great piece. I think Biden is already hip to this but is accomplishing much of it in the least divisive way possible: Amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants. This has many of the benefits mentioned here while also doing it in a way that brings in diverse coalitions (business and lefties), keeps within the spirit of American culture, and helps the economy in the process. Just goes to show that old Biden is more politically savy than many people realize.

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Did you coin "party of pastoral supremacy" to describe the GOP? If so: pretty sharp!

And very good piece overall.

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I did! Thanks, Andy.

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This is a tremendous piece and clarifies a lot of my own thinking on the urban-rural divide. The tricky part for me remains disentangling causality: how much of the U-R divide exogenously emergent opportunity exploited by Republicans for its electoral overweighting VS how much of the U-R divide is *a product* of repeated cycles of Republican incentives to reinforce the strongest possible pastoral cultural identity at ever social, media, and political turn?

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